Monday, September 30, 2013

CRC Mass Air Flow Sensor Cleaner

I have long adopted this Proton Savvy .. almost 8 years .. but never clean the MAF sensor . What is the MAF sensor ? Haha .. As this Savvy powered by Renault engine then there are variety of sensors that need to be cared for and of them is MAF sensor.

MAF Sensor stands for Mass Air Flow Sensor . This sensor read the air flow in the combustion chamber to be mixed with gasoline . What if this sensor is faulty ? Then the car wont start as the sensor assume there are no air flow inside your engine . MAF sensor is actually difficult to break down. It just needs to be cleaned because it is exposed to oil dirt and dust from the air that sticks to the environment. The picture below is an example that there's always dirt oil whenever the MAF sensor is removed.

If you do not clean this sensor , what will happen ? long as your car can surf the highway... but car performance will be low at the level it should be. May result in gasoline use over the place and cause the engine to be under power and inefficient fuel consumption. Car experts recommended cleaning the sensor every time you changed the air filter.

The safe way to clean the sensor is by using CRC Mass Air Flow Sensor. Please do not use other cleaning agent that are not safe for electronic parts such as WD40 because it is left residue and will be damaged your sensor. CRC Mass Air Flow Sensor is safe for plastic and left no residue. It also quick-drying and you can use it without any worries.

I bought this at Aik Heng Motor, Section 8/1 Petaling Jaya for RM32 per can. Actually it is hard to find this thing as most hardware or spare parts shop does not have them. For me it is reasonable price compared to replace faulty sensor to new one that can cause you thousand bucks.

Even I bought this a month ago but I did not test yet to my sensor as I don't have time. But I will update to you once the cleaning job was done. Hope to gain 4-10 Horsepower as seen on the label advertisement.